Feel free to browse the site. It is specifically based for tortoises/ tortoise lovers like myself. I have only got one tortoise at the moment called Trevor. She is currentley 4 years old and is brewmating. I am hoping to get a second tortoise this year but that is only if the parents allow it.

There are some parts of this site that I try to change weekly e.g. Different types of tortoises page.

If you are interested in getting or just generally have questions about tortoises then just write your e-mail in the comment in the guest book and I will get bac to you ASAP.

Also I am trying to sort out a bug where you HAVE to enter your e-mail in the guest book. But I can essure you that the e-mai doesn't acutally go anywhere but the disqu website on my logon and I always delete them when I get a chance.

Another point is that if you are interested in Guinea Pigs then visit either: www.guineapigblog.synthasite.com or www.guineapigsroundtable.synthasite.com (these are not my sites)

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